Signs of Hydro-Meteorological Hazards


What is Hydro-meteorological Hazard?

Hydro-meteorological hazard is a phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic nature that may cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage.

What are the Types of Hydro-meteorological Hazards?

Hydrometeorological hazards include tropical cyclones (also known as typhoons and hurricanes), thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornados, blizzards, heavy snowfall, avalanches, coastal storm surges, floods including flash floods, drought, heatwaves and cold spells. Hydrometeorological conditions also can be a factor in other hazards such as landslides, wildland fires, locust plagues, epidemics, and in the transport and dispersal of toxic substances and volcanic eruption material.

Early Signs of Hydro-Meteorological Hazards in the Philippines?

Typhoon Signs

⚠ Increased ocean swell

⚠ Barometric pressure drop

⚠ Wind speed

⚠ Heavier rainfall

Thunderstorm Signs

⚠ Cloud formations

⚠ Darkening sky

⚠ Lightning wind

⚠ Wind

Flashflood / Flood Signs

⚠ Continuous storms, typhoons, and rain

⚠ Distant thunder

⚠ Rapidly rising water

⚠ Muddy water

⚠ Water carries debris

Storm-surge Signs

⚠ Cumulu-nimbus clouds

⚠ Darker sky

⚠ Low pressure

⚠ Strong winds

⚠ Rising of water

El Niño Signs

⚠ Hot weather

⚠ High pressure

⚠ Change in temperature

⚠ Gradually drying of land


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